Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Time for a Guest Post of no little importance.  It was penned by Judith Smith, a member of a Yahoo Group called "Our Myositis" which I also belong to.  It's here verbatim with her okay, with the exception of a few typos I cleaned up.  Ready?  Here goes:

Dear Folks,

I am known as a plain talker who would prefer the unvarnished truth to comfortable
half-truths spoken to make the hearer feel good. So when I wade in with my two cents worth about the Canadian health care system, I do so fully aware that many corporate interest groups, branches of political parties and insurance company mavens who subvert the Canadian experience because these groups make the most noise to attract the most media attention. Whoever squeaks the loudest will usually get the most oil.

I have lived all my life in or near Toronto, Canada's biggest and most
 cosmopolitan city. My alma mater, U of Toronto, has a medical school which is affiliated with more than ten world-class hospitals in the city's vital downtown core.

I have NEVER waited overly long to consult ANY specialist. It became apparent
  that I needed an MRI to solve a mystery that ordinary x-ray could not. This was 5 years ago. I CHOSE to be flexible. When a Friday evening app't after 5 p.m. was available, I was there. (Four days from the time that the appointment was requested.) Another example of how "socialized" health care works: I presented with an enormous and painful swelling on the bottom of my left foot to my rheumatology at the hospital clinic one Tuesday afternoon in October 2009. She made one phone call, and I had an MRI that very afternoon.

I am not a wealthy patron of this particular hospital. I did not bribe the
  doctor to "jump the queue". Nor did I have an insurance company administrator dictating what tests I could or could not have or when I might be allowed to have them.

I suspect that the horror stories from the British Isles are a result of the
  fact that, despite claims to the contrary, those countries have never been able to rid themselves of the disgusting class system. It's why most of our ancestors (who weren't forced, of course) left Europe for the New World. Yeah, I loved watching Will and Kate's wedding, and I love the parliamentary democracy in which I live, but this loyal Canadian would NEVER curtsy to anybody--Queen or otherwise. I have tremendous admiration for the Queen, do not misunderstand, she is, after all, the actual head of state for the Dominion of Canada. So we can love her and slag the stink out of our elected Prime Minister and other Members of Parliament without being disrepectful! Lots of fun!

In Ontario, I pay Health Insurance premiums on my income tax return which is
  filed annually by the end of April. The higher the income, the more you pay.  The lowest amount Health Premium is $300.00 and increases by increments of $150.00. Every adult, no matter their marital status is obliged to file a return. Since Canada has been collecting income taxes since 1911, the bureaucracy is already in place with no added expense for funding the public healthcare system.

If you guys want to talk about public healthcare, the least you could do is get
 the facts from someone that you know--like me--who has no political axe to grind and isn't going to blow smoke up your anatomy.

Just sayin' Judith
Okay!  Eye-opening...and I'm so jealous.  Now...what do you have to say about this??

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